Basic Function Graphing 330
Note: You can store only one set of Window variable values at a time. Storing a new set
overwrites the old set.
Restoring the Standard Viewing Window
Restoring the Standard Viewing WindowRestoring the Standard Viewing Window
Restoring the Standard Viewing Window
You can restore the Window variables to their default values at any time. From the
Zoom menu, select 6:ZoomStd.
Using Math Tools to Analyze Functions
Using Math Tools to Analyze FunctionsUsing Math Tools to Analyze Functions
Using Math Tools to Analyze Functions
On the Graph screen, the ‡ Math toolbar menu has several tools that help you analyze
graphed functions.
Select: To:
1:ZoomPrev Return to the viewing window displayed before the
previous zoom.
2:ZoomSto Save the current viewing window. (The current Window
variable values are stored to the system variables
zxmin, zxmax, etc.)
3:ZoomRcl Recall the viewing window last stored with ZoomSto.