
AT Commands
Page 55
4 Wire Leased Line setup via audio port
Your Global Carrier 56 has been supplied with an audio port which enables you to setup 4 Wire
Leased Line:
1. Connect Leased Line cable (Pins 1 and 4 for TX / 2 and 3 for RX) to the Audio ports on
your Global Carrier.
2. Issue the following commands through HyperTerminal to activate the Audio port:
AT&F (Reset)
AT-LINE=1 (Set audio port active)
3. Issue the following commands to activate Leased Line mode:
a. For Auto Leased Line:
AT&L2 (Set auto LL mode) to be issued to Originate modem
AT&L3 (Set auto LL mode) to be issued to Answering modem
b. For Manual LL mode:
AT&L1 (Set LL mode) to be issued to both modems
ATA (Initiate manual answer) to be issued to answering modem
ATD (Initiate manual dial) to be issued to originate modem.