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AT&Z Stored Phone Number
The &Z command enables you to store phone numbers in your modem’s nonvolatile memory.
The command takes the form &Zn=x, where x is the phone number you want to store and n
indicates which of the stored phone numbers it will be saved as. Stored numbers may contain up
to 20 characters, including dial modifiers.
Do not include, in the stored phone number:
an AT
a D (Dial) command
an S (Stored number) dial modifier
If you are using synchronous mode 2 , do not use the ; (return to local command state) dial
modifier in the number.
The stored phone numbers are displayed by the &V display.
Store the phone number 12345 as stored phone number two
Store the following as stored number four; first pulse dial 0, wait for two seconds to get an
outside line and then tone dial 12345
See Also
D command Dial (and S dial modifier)
&M2 command
&M4 command
&V command View Active Configuration Profile