
Abbreviated Command List
Page 259
%T1 DCD is always high (only reset by
%U0 Standard error correction response
%U1 V.42 response codes sent when a
V.42 error corrected connection is
%U2 Append /LAP-M or/REL (2,4,10)
or /MNP-5 or /V.42bis or /DES
messages to the CONNECT
message when established
%W0 Welcome Message disabled
%W1 Welcome Message enabled
\A0 64 character MNP block size
\A1 128 character MNP block size
\A2 192 character MNP block size
\A3 256 character MNP block size
\Bn Generate Break (default 3 - 0.3
\J0 Fallback Constant Speed mode
\J1 Fallback to Variable Speed mode
\K Break Control
\N Asynchronous Operating Mode
\N0 Constant speed mode
\N1 Variable speed mode
\N2 MNP Reliable mode
\N3 n V.42/MNP auto-reliable mode
\N4 V.42 reliable mode
\N5 V.42 auto-reliable mode
\N6 V.42/MNP reliable mode with
fallback to MNP reliable mode,
disconnect if MNP not supported
by remote modem.
\N7 MNP auto-reliable mode
\Q0 Flow control disabled
\Q1 XON/XOFF flow control
\Q2 CTS flow control #1
\Q3 CTS/RTS flow control #1
\Q4 Modem XON/XOFF flow control
\Q5 CTS flow control #2
\Q6 CTS/RTS flow control #2
\S Display Active Configuration
\Tn Inactivity Timer (Data Mode)
\T0 Disable inactivity timer
\T35 Set inactivity timer to 35 minutes
\V0 Disable error correction response
\V1 Enable error correction response
\V8 Enable error correction response
codes plus details of the error
correction and data compression
negotiated with the remote modem
is displayed immediately before the
CONNECT message.
\V9 Enable error correction response
codes plus details of the error
correction and data compression
negotiated with the remote modem
and diagnostic information
displayed immediately before the
CONNECT message.
\X0 Remove received XON/XOFF
characters from received data
\X1 Pass through received XON/XOFF
*K Select Primary DES KEY from
Stored Keys
*R0 V.13 Remote RTS mode off
*R1 V.13 Remote RTS mode on
*S Change Current User Password
*T0 Disable auto call redial
*T1 Enable auto call redial
*V0 Maximum 8,192 V.42bis dictionary
*V1 Maximum 2,048 V.42bis dictionary
*W Welcome Message Text
*Y0 Escape Sequence Detection in Sync
mode disabled
*Y1 Escape Sequence Detection in Sync
mode enabled
+ICF Character Framing and Parity
+MS Select Modulation
<mod> Mod Possible Rates (bps)
0 V.21 300
1 V.22 1200
2 V.22bis 2400 or 1200
3 V.23 1200
9 V.32 9600 or 4800
10 V.32bis 14400, 12000, 9600,
7200, or 4800
11 V.34 33600, 31200, 28800,
26400, 24000, 21600,
19200, 16800, 14400,
12000, 9600, 7200,