AT Commands
Page 139
AT#J V.42 Capability Checking
The #J command allows you to select whether your modem will check if the modem it is
connecting to supports V.42, MNP or no error correction. This command only affects your
modem when it dials another modem.
If #J0 is selected, your modem will assume the answering modem is a V.42 modem. You should
only issue the AT#J0 command when you are certain the other modem is a V.42 modem.
You will not be able to communicate with a non-V.42 modem if the AT#J0 command has
been issued, regardless of the setting of the \N command. When #J1 is selected, your
modem uses the ‘V.42 detect phase’ to test whether the answering modem supports V.42.
This allows your modem to fall back to MNP or non-error corrected mode.
AT#J0 Assume V.42 capable
AT#J1 ■ Check V.42 compatibility
See Also
\N command Asynchronous Operating Mode
S Register 62 V.42 Detection Phase Timeout