3 Ć282
AWG2021 User Manual
Figure 3 Ć190: Catalog Files
Files in a catalog can be displayed by the following sorting conditions:
H Name1: Name
Files are displayed by file name (Name) in ASCII code order.
H Name2: Name-Reverse
Files are displayed by file name (Name) in reverse ASCII code order.
H Time1: Time
Files are displayed by creation date (Date & Time), from newest to oldest.
H Time2: Time-Reverse
Files are displayed by creation date (Date & Time), from oldest to newest.
H Type1: Type
Files are displayed by extension (Type) in alphabetical order.
H Type2: Type Name-Reverse
Files are displayed by extension (Type) in alphabetical order and, within
each file type, by name (Name) in reverse ASCII code order.
H Type3: Type Time
Files are displayed by extension (Type) in alphabetical order and, within
each file type, by creation date (Date & Time) from newest to oldest.
H Type4: Type Time-Reverse
Files are displayed by extension (Type) in alphabetical order and, within
each file type, by creation date (Date & Time) from oldest to newest.