AWG2021 User Manual
This is the User Manual for the AWG2021 250 MHz Arbitrary Waveform
Getting Started covers the features of the AWG2021, initial inspection, and start
up. In particular, the start up section covers the procedures required prior to
turning on the unit and points that require special care or caution.
Operating Basics first describes the components of the AWG2021 and their
functions. Then it describes the operating procedures used to output waveforms
from the AWG2021 by presenting a few simple examples.
Reference explains the specific functions and execution method details for each
Appendices describe options and accessories, product specifications, performance
verification instructions, sample waveform library, functional operation, and
other information.
Related Manuals
Other documentation for the instrument includes:
H The AWG2021 Programmer Manual (Tektronix part number 070-8657-50)
explains how to control the AWG2021 with a computer through the GPIB or
RS-232-C interface. This manual is a standard accessory.
H The AWG2021 Service Manual (Tektronix part number 070-9098-50)
provides information to maintain and service AWG2021, and provides a
complete board-level description of the instrument’s operation. This manual
is an optional accessory.
In sections 2 through 4, you will find various procedures that contain steps of
instructions for you to perform. To keep those instructions clear and consistent,
this manual uses the following conventions:
H Names of front panel controls and menu item names are printed in the
manual in bold with the same case (e.g., initial capitals, all upper case) as
they appear on the unit itself.
H Instruction steps are numbered. When the number is omitted there is only
one step.