3 Ć254
AWG2021 User Manual
When Save All is selected from the side menu, all the files in the internal
memory are saved to the specified mass memory.
NOTE. When Save or Save All is executed, and there is already a file in the mass
memory with the same name as a file to be saved, the system asks you if you
want to replace the file now in mass memory with the one to be saved. Answer
either O.K. or Cancel.
The Save as ASCII item appears in the side menu when an equation file (.EQU)
has been selected from the list of files in internal memory and Disk has been
selected for Device. Use this item to save the (binary format) data in the equation
file in MS-DOS text format. Files saved in this manner are denoted by the
extension .EQA after the file name. See page 3 -259 for further information on
.EQA files.
The following items are written to the data of files saved in text format:
File Data Description
# COMMENT: <comment> The comment written to the selected equation file
(.EQU), if any
<point count>
The setting for number of waveform points (Waveform
Calculation formula
When comments and waveform point sizes are written to .EQA files as noted
above, these are reflected in the equation files (.EQU) created when the .EQA
files are loaded into this instrument.
Saving Data in Text