3 Ć272
AWG2021 User Manual
7. Select O.K. from the sub-menu. The current directory changes to the
AWG2021 directory you just made and the directory display becomes
Catalog:Disk\AWG2021\. At this time, the AWG2021 directory is empty.
See Figure 3 -183.
Figure 3 Ć183: File List for a Newly Created Directory
This completes the move of the current directory to the AWG2021 sub-direc-
tory. Files and new directories can be created in this directory. Next, here is
how to return the current directory to the root directory.
8. Again, select Change Directory from the side menu. Only “..” is displayed
in the directory list. Select O.K. from the sub-menu.
Selecting “..” from the directory list moves the current directory to the
directory above it. In this case, it is the root directory, so the system is back
where it started.
Operating Files Saved to Disk. The side menu has Rename, Delete, and Delete
All for to use on files. These items are the same as in the EDIT menu. See Page
3 -8 to 3 -10. These functions can rename and delete files. Directories can also be
deleted by selecting the Delete item. However, this is only possible when there
are no files and directories at levels below the directory to be deleted.