Acquiring Waveforms
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Overview Control elements and resourcesTo autoset the instrument (Cont.)
4. Select User Preferences in the Utilities menu to display
the Prompt Before Action window. Touch Autoset to
toggle between ON and OFF:
H OFF to set up for performing an aut oset when the
AUTOSET button is pushed
H ON to set up for displaying a prompt before
performing an autoset when the AUTOSET button
is pushed
Touch Close to save your prompt selection.
NOTE. Autoset may change the vertical position to position the waveform
appropriately. It sets vertical offset to 0 V unless an offsetable probe is attached.
If you are not using an offsetable probe and your signal contains offset (such as
the probe compensation signal), you may need to adjust the Vertical Offset and
SCALE to display the signal.
You may want to revert to the factory default setup; if so, reset the
Overview To reset the instrument Control elements and resources
1. The instrument is powered up and running.
See Powering On the Instrument on page 1--9.
2. Push the DEFAULT SETUP button.
To Reset the Instrument