CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Index- 7
record le ngth, 3--127
reference col ors, 3 --139
reset zoom, 3--136, 3--137
scale, 3--127
screen saver, 3--140
screen text, 3--138
select a persistence mode, 3 --143
select the display persistence, 3 --142
select the display style, 3--142
select zoom, 3--133
set date and time, 3--140
set display styles, 3--141
set horizontal display parameters, 3--130
set up MultiView zoom, 3--135
set up zoom, 3--135
set vertical display parameters, 3--129
setting MultiView zoom controls, 3--131
setting zoom controls, 3--131
sin(x)/x interpolation, 3--141
sine(x)/x, 3--142
to display waveforms in the main graticule, 3--129
to zoom waveforms, 3--132
touch screen, 3--125, 3--129
trigger level marker, 3-- 140
trigger T, 3--140
using display controls, 3--138
using the display, 3--125
using the waveform displa y, 3--124
using zoom with waveforms, 3--132
variable persistence, 3--140, 3--142, 3--143
vectors, 3--138, 3--142
vertical offset, 3--126
vertical position, 3--126
vertical scale, 3--126, 3--127
vertical zoom, 3--136
waveform displa y, 3--125
waveform intensity, 3-- 139
waveform int erpolation, 3--139
waveforms, 3 --144
xy, 3--140
xyz, 3--140
yt, 3--140
zoom, 3--125, 3--127, 3--131
zoom a waveform, 3 --134
zoom position, 3--136
zoom reset, 3--136, 3--137
zoom scale, 3 --136
Dots, 3--138, 3--140, 3--142, C--9
display control window, 3--140
DPO, Glossary--5
Dragging, Glossary--5
Dual display setup, 1--17
Dual grati cule, Glossary --5
Duration, 3--204
Duty cycle , Glossary --10, Glossary--12
Duty cycle distortion, B --5
ECL, 3--95, 3--102, 3--105, 3--111
A Trigger level, 3--85, 3--86
setup, C--8
trigger, 3--73, C--7, Glossary--5
Edit menu
copy, C--3
copy setup, C--3
full screen, C--3
graticule, C--3
measurement, C --3
select for copy, C--3
waveform, C--3
Either, A Trigger control window, 3--94, 3--96, 3--100,
3--102, 3--121
Electrical out, 3--65
Envelope, 3--30, 3--35, 3--57
acquisition mode, 3 --57
incompatible with fast acquisitions, 3--47
Envelope acquisition mode, Glossary--5
Environment requirements, 1--7
Equation editor, C--15
Equivalent time, C--6
Equivalent-time sampling, 3 --43, 3 --57
random, Glossary--5
Erase all references and setups, 3 --260
Error log, C--1 5
Ethernet, 3--282
Excel, 3 --271
Exiting the application, 1 --14
Export, C--2
save format, 3--262
Export setup, C--2
Export waveforms, 3--263
Exporting files using PRINT button, 3--269
Exporting waveform s, 3--262
Ext ratio, C--12
Ext ratio (dB), C--12
Ext ratio %, C --12
External refe rence, 2--11, C--15
External signals, C--15
Extinction ratio, B --4
Extinction ratio %, B--4
Extinction ratio dB, B--4
Eye base, B --4, C --12
Eye height, B--4, C--12