Appendix A: Specifications
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Table A- 4: Trigger specifications (Cont.)
Characteristic Description
Trigger position error, typical Edge tri gger, DC coupling, for signals having a slew rate at the trigger point of ≥ 0.5
Acquisition mode E rror
CSA7404, CSA7154, TDS7404,
TDS7254, TDS7154,
TDS6604, & TDS6404
Sample, Average ± (1 waveform interval + 200 ps)
Peak Detect, Envelope ± (2 waveform interval + 200 ps)
TDS7104 & TDS7054 Sample, Average ± (1 displayed point + 1 ns)
Envelope ± (2 displayed points + 1 ns)
Trigger holdoff range 250 ns to 12 s,
minimum resolution is 8 ns for settings ≤1.2 s. A dither of ᐔ4 ns is added to the
holdoff setting
Table A- 4: Serial Trigger specifications (optional on TDS7000 Series & TDS6000 Series)
Characteristic Description
Serial trigger number of bits 32
Serial trigger encoding types NRZ
nSerial trigger baud rate limits Up to 1.25 GBd
Serial trigger, serial word recognizer position
Edge trigger, DC coupling, for signals having a slew rate at the trigger point of ≥ 0.5
Acquisition mode E rror
Sample, Average ± (1 waveform interval + 200 ps)
Peak Detect, Envelope ± (2 waveform interval + 200 ps)
Clock recovery frequency range 1.5 MBd to 2.5 GBd. Above 1250 MHz the clock is only available internally as a
trigger source. Below 1250 MHz the clock is also available at the Recovered Clock
output along with regenerated data (CSA7000 Series only).