Appendix A: Specifications
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Table A- 3: Horizontal and acquisition system specifications
Characteristic Description
Real-time sample rate range Number of channels acquired Sample rate range
CSA7404, CSA7154,
1 5 S/s to 20GS/s
5 S/s to 10GS/s
3or4 5 S/s to 5GS/s
TDS7054 1 1.25 S/s to 5 GS/ s
2 1.25 S/s to 5 GS/s
3or4 1.25 S/s to 2.5 GS/s
TDS7104 1 1.25 S/s to 10 GS/ s
2 1.25 S/s to 5 GS/s
3or4 1.25 S/s to 2.5 GS/s
TDS6604 & TDS6404 1or2 5 S/s to 20GS/s
3or4 5 S/s to 10GS/s
Equivalent-tim e sample rate or interpolated
waveform rate range
Equivalent-time acquisition can be enabled or disabled. When disabled, waveforms
are interpolated at the fastest time base settings.
CSA7404, CSA7154,
TDS7404, TDS7254, TDS7154,
TDS6604, & TDS6404
10GS/s to 1TS/s
TDS7104 & TDS7054 5 GS/s to 250 GS/s
Acquisition modes Sample, Peak detect, Hi Res, Average, Envelope, and Waveform database
Minimum record length 500 points