
Instruction Manual
Typically a client PC, laptop, etc. running Windows, Linux or Mac OS X •
Runs MetaConnect •
Possibly remote to the central Nagios server or distributed ECS0016 •
console servers
May receive alert emails from the central Nagios server or distributed •
ECS0016 console servers
Connects to the central Nagios server web UI to view status of •
monitored hosts and serial devices
Uses MetaConnect to connect through the distributed ECS0016 •
console servers, to manage monitored hosts and serial devices
MetaConnect Nagios setup involves the following steps:
Install Nagios and the NSCA and NRPE addons on the central Nagios 1.
Configure each ECS0016 distributed console server for Nagios 2.
monitoring, alerting, and MetaConnect Nagios integration.
Run the MetaConnect for Nagios Configuration Wizard on the central 3.
Nagios server and perform any additional configuration tasks.
Install MetaConnect on each client.4.
Set Up a Central Nagios Server
MetaConnect for Nagios requires a central Nagios server running Nagios
2.x or 3.x. Nagios 1.x is not supported.
The Nagios server software is available for most major distributions of
Linux using the standard package management tools. Your distribution will
have documentation available on how to install Nagios. This is usually the
quickest and simplest way to get up and running.
Note that you will need the core Nagios server package, and at least one
of the NRPE or NSCA addons. NSCA is required to utilize the alert-
ing features of the distributed hosts, installing both NRPE and NSCA is