Instruction Manual
To set the Username field (SNMP version 3 only):
(replacing yourusername with the username config.system.snmp.
username2 (3 only))
To set the Engine ID field (SNMP version 3 only):
congsetcong.system.snmp.password2=yourpassword ..
(replacing yourpassword with the password)
Once the fields are set, apply the configuration with the following com-
You can add a third or more SNMP servers by incrementing the “2” in
the above commands, e.g. config.system.snmp.protocol3, config.system.
snmp.address3, etc.
nfig instead of /etc/ssh_config •
/etc/config/users/<username>/.ssh/ instead of /
Power Strip Control
The console server supports a growing list of remote power-control
devices (RPCs) which can be configured using the Management Console
as described in Chapter 8. These RPCs are controlled using the open
source PowerMan tools and with the pmpower utility.
PowerMan provides power management in a data center or compute
cluster environment. It performs operations such as power on, power
off, and power cycle via remote power controller (RPC) devices. Target
hostnames are mapped to plugs on RPC devices in powerman.conf