Instruction Manual
Network Hosts
To access a locally networked computer or appliance (referred to as a
Host) you must identify the network connected Host, then specify the TCP
or UDP ports/services that will be used to control that Host.
Selecting Serial & Network: Network Hosts presents all of the network
connected Hosts that have been enabled for access, as well as the
related access TCP ports/services.
Click • Add Host to enable access to a new Host (or select Edit to up
date the settings for existing Host)
Enter the • IP Address or DNS Name of the new network connected
Host (and optionally enter a Description)
Add or edit the Permitted Services (or TCP/UDP port numbers) that •
are authorized to be used in controlling this host. Only these permitted
services will be forwarded through by MetaConnect to the Host. All
other services (TCP/UDP ports) will be blocked.
Optional:• Select Nagios Enabled if the service on the Host is to be
monitored using the ECS0016 distributed Nagios monitoring.
The • Logging Level specifies the level of information to be logged and
monitored for each Host access.
If the Host is a networked server with IPMI power control, then the •
Administrator can enable users (Users and Administrators) to remotely
cycle power and reboot.
Click Apply once the desired changes have been made.