Instruction Manual
Select 1. Serial & Network: Users & Groups to display the configured
Groups and Users
Click 2. Add Group.
Add a 3. Group name and Description for each new Group, then select
Accessible Hosts and Accessible Ports to specify the serial ports
and hosts you wish any Users in this new Group to be able to access.
Click 4. Apply
Select 1. Serial & Network: Users to display the configured Users.
Click 2. Add User to add a new User.
Add a 3. Username and a confirmed Password for each new User. You
may also include information related to the User (e.g. contact details) in
the Description field.
Select 4. Accessible Hosts and Accessible Ports, to specify which
serial ports and to which LAN connected hosts you wish the User to
have access.
Specify the 5. Group (or Groups) of which you wish the User to be a
Click 6. Apply to save changes.
Your new User will now be able to access the selected LAN devices and
the devices attached to the chosen serial ports.