Fonts WB, WL, XB & XL
Command Structure Font WB: <ESC>WBa Font XB: <ESC>XBa
Font WL: <ESC>WLa Font XL: <ESC>XLa
a = 0 Disables auto-smoothing of font
1 Enables auto-smoothing of font (see notes below)
Example: <ESC>WB1123456
Placement: Preceding the data to be printed
Default: None
Command Function To print text images on a label. These are the four auto-smoothing
fonts available on the printer.
WB 18W x 30H dot matrix XB 48W x 48H dot matrix
WL 28W x 52H dot matrix XL 48W x 48H dot matrix
(1) These fonts will be printed with proportional spacing only if preceded by an
<ESC>PS command.
Input to Printer ESC>A<ESC>PS
<ESC>H0001<ESC>V0100<ESC>WB0SATO “WB0"
<ESC>H0001<ESC>V0185<ESC>WB1SATO ”WB1"
<ESC>H0001<ESC>V0270<ESC>WL0SATO “WL0"
<ESC>H0001<ESC>V0355<ESC>WL1SATO ”WL1"
<ESC>H0400<ESC>V0100<ESC>XB0SATO “XB0"
<ESC>H0400<ESC>V0185<ESC>XB1SATO ”XB1"
<ESC>H0400<ESC>V0270<ESC>XL0SATO “XL0"
<ESC>H0400<ESC>V0355<ESC>XL1SATO ”XL1"
Printer Output
WB & WL Not
Section 4. Programming Reference
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