Serial Interface Parameters
Command Structure <ESC>I2abcde
a = 0 Baud rate, 9600 bps
1 Baud Rate, 19200 bps
2 Baud Rate, 38400 bps
3 Baud Rate, 57600 bps
b = 0 8 Data bits
1 7 Data Bits
c = 0 No Parity
1 Odd Parity
2 Even Parity
d = 0 1 Stop Bit
1 2 Stop Bits
e = 0 Single Item Buffer
1 Multi Item Buffer
2 X-On/X-Off Flow Control
3 Bi-Com 4
4 Bi-Com 3
Example: See above
Placement: Separate data stream sent to printer
Default: Default value set by <ESC>PG command
Command Function To set the operating parameters of the RS232 Inferface for a job.
Input to Printer
Printer Output There is no printer output as a result of this command.
Special Notes 1. The setting are stored in the EEPROM by this command and they
will remain in effect until a new <ESC>I2 command is received.
Cycling power will have no effect on these settings.
2. To change the value stored in the EEPROM, use the <ESC>PG
Printer Setting command or use the Printer Setting Utility program
contained on the CDROM shipped with the printer.
3. All command parameters must be present in the data stream sent
to the printer.
4. Selecting X-On/X-Off, Bi-Com3 or Bi-Com4 will automatically place
the printer in the Multi Buffer mode.
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