The fine adjustment for Print Darkness is the VR1 potentiometer on the operator
panel. It provides a continuous range of adjustment, allowing you to make precise
changes. Use a small cross-point screwdriver, turning clockwise for darker print and
counterclockwise for lighter print. See Section 2: Installation and Configuration for
instructions on performing potentiometer adjustments
NOTE: The PRINT potentiometer adjustment will affect the darkness in all of the
command code speed ranges, i.e. if the PRINT potentiometer is adjusted for lighter
print, the darkness will be lighter in all speed ranges selected by the command code.
Print Speed
The other method of controlling print quality is by controlling the speed at which the
label is printed. This adjustment is made only on an individual label basis using the
<ESC>CSPrint Speed command code. For more details on this command, see Section
4: Programming. Changing the print speed allows the user to control the amount of
time allowed for print element cooling before the media is stepped to the next print
position. It is especially critical when printing “ladder” bar codes (bar codes printed
with the bars parallel to the print line). When printing a “ladder” bar code, it is
important to allow the head to cool sufficiently before stepping to the next position. If
it does not have sufficient time to cool, the bar will be “smeared” on the trailing edge.
Supplies needed: SATO SA070 Cleaning Kit
1. Turn the printer off and remove the power cable.
2. Open the Top Cover.
3. Open the Print Head Assembly by pushing the
Head Latch toward the rear of the printer. The
Print Head Assembly is spring-loaded and will
automatically open as soon as the Head Latch is
4. Rotate the Print Head Assembly upward to give
access to the Print Head.
5. Remove the ribbon.
6. Apply SATO Thermal Print Head Cleaner to a
cotton swab.
5. The Print Head faces downward along the front
edge of the assembly. Pass the end of the
dampened swab along the entire width of the
Print Head.
Section 3: Cleaning and Maintenance
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