These commands set the operational parameters of the printer, like “set the print
speed to 3.”
<ESC> {Command} {Parameter} {Data}
Some commands can contain both Parameter and Data elements, such as “print a
Code 39 symbol containing the data”.
Protocol codes are the special control characters that prepare the printer to receive
instructions. For example, the <ESC> character tells the printer that a command
code will follow and the <ENQ> character asks for the printer status.
There are two pre-defined different sets of Protocol Control codes to choose from.
Each set is made up of six special characters. The Standard Protocol Control codes are
non-printable characters, and the Non-Standard Protocol Control codes are printable
characters. The Non-Standard set may be useful on host computers using protocol
converters or in an application where non-printable ASCII characters cannot be sent
from the host. This manual uses the Standard Protocol Control codes for all of the
SOH 01 Status Request
STX 02 Start of Data
ETX 03 End of Data
ESC 1B Command code to follow
Cutter command
(Responds to either)
ENQ 05 Get printer status, Bi-Com Mode
CAN 18 Cancel Print Job
DLE 10 Print Stop
DC1 11 Print Start
Off-Line 40 Hex Take printer Off-Line
It may be useful to test your CT printer using a BASIC program on a PC. You may also
write your actual production programs in BASIC. Whatever the reason, if you will be
working in BASIC, some of the following hints may help you get started:
1. Set the WIDTH of the output device to 255 characters to avoid automatically sending
<CR> and <LF> characters after every line. The command string should be
continuous and uninterrupted by <CR> and/or <LF> commands. The examples
given in this manual are printed on separate lines because they will not fit on one line
and do not contain any <CR> and/or <LF> characters. If these characters are
needed, they are explicitly noted by the inclusion of <CR> and <LF> notations.
Section 4. Programming Reference
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