
ROUTE 66 MINI & MAXI User Manual
A digital compass
is always displayed in the upper-right corner of the
screen. The red end indicates the North.
The behaviour of the zoom level during navigation can be controlled
automatically. Select Main menu > Settings > Navigation >
Automatic zooming and set the value to Yes; during navigation, when
you approach a street junction or intersection, the navigation screen will
zoom in to street level (regardless of the current zoom level); after you
cross the street junction, the zoom level will be established to the initial
Zoom levels:
The globe is the graphical representation of the Earth, as seen from
The world map is the geo-political representation of the entire world.
The entire map is the geo-political representation of the current map
and the neighbouring countries.
The street level map is the most detailed zoom level.
You can easily change the way the map is displayed:
Select Main menu > Settings > Map > 3D perspective > Off -
view the map from above, as you look at a printed map.
Select Main menu > Settings > Map > 3D perspective > On -
have a panoramic view, as you are actually seeing the road ahead of
Use the options in the View menu.
Refer to the Maps – Overview chapter for details about maps.
The Information Bar
The information bar is your “control panel” when there is no navigation in
progress. This is a simplified navigation bar. It displays your travelling
speed (if you are physically moving), the current time, the current road.
The information bar contains the following elements: