Chapter 5. Submitting Xerox jobs for data stream conversion
This chapter describes how to convert Xerox Line Conditioned Data Stream (LCDS)
and metacode jobs to the Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) format. For a
brief overview about working with Xerox jobs, see the pdxt_jobs man page that
InfoPrint XT for Windows (InfoPrint XT) provides. Enter this command:
pdxtman pdxt_jobs
Whether you use InfoPrint XT with InfoPrint Manager for Windows (InfoPrint
Manager) determines how you use InfoPrint XT to convert the jobs. See the
appropriate topic for the type of installation:
v “Processing Xerox jobs with InfoPrint Manager”
v “Using the pdxtx2afp command to process Xerox jobs” on page 61
Processing Xerox jobs with InfoPrint Manager
These topics apply to installations that use InfoPrint Manager with InfoPrint XT.
Document attributes that you specify for processing
You can use several InfoPrint Manager document attributes when you process
Xerox jobs with InfoPrint XT. Whether you use an InfoPrint XT parameter mapping
file influences which attributes you use for a job. See “Creating a custom
parameter mapping file” on page 26.
If you do not use a parameter mapping file, you must specify these attributes for
every Xerox job:
Specify this attribute with a value of either lcds or metacode. These values
are equivalent and identify the associated job as a Xerox job.
Specify this attribute with a value that lists the conversion parameters that
the job requires. See Appendix A, “Conversion parameters for converting
Xerox jobs,” on page 93. This is an example of specifying conversion
parameters with the other-transform-options attribute:
-x "other-transform-options='xjdl=p1mvs xjde=dflt xrecfm=fixed xlrecl=133 xcc=m'"
Note: At a minimum, you must know the starting JDL and JDE pair, the
carriage-control type, and the record format of the job. If the job
contains fixed records, you must also know the record length.
Specify this attribute with a value that identifies the path to the AFP
resources that the job requires. For example:
-x "resource-context='C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT\var\pdxt\resources\common'"
Note: Whether you use a combination of double and single quotation
marks depends on whether any portion of the path name contains
spaces. If you use the default for %PDXTWORKDIR%, which is
C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint XT\var\pdxt, include the
quotation marks.
The value is the same as the path that the -o option of the pdxtloadres
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