Creating a custom parameter mapping file
When you convert a Xerox job, you must specify certain parameters that equate to
the Xerox START command for the job. The parameters include the starting Job
Descriptor Library (JDL) and Job Descriptor Entry (JDE) pair. You might also
specify other parameters that further define the job, such as how to process
stapling commands. InfoPrint XT can use a parameter mapping file, which you
create, to streamline the process of setting conversion parameters. You can
automatically set certain parameters by instructing InfoPrint XT to use the
pass-through values of the pdxtx2afp command to trigger which parameters to
apply. The mapping file assigns parameters using these job characteristics:
v Job class
v Destination for the job
v Form for the job
v Job ID
v Job name
information about the -p option of the pdxtx2afp command, see page 62. Also
see the %PDXTINSTDIR%\testjob\pdxtx2afp.map file, which is a mapping file
that you can use with the test job that InfoPrint XT supplies.
1. Any parameters that you specify with the pdxtx2afp command override the
same parameters in the mapping file.
2. If you use InfoPrint Manager with InfoPrint XT, you can also use the parameter
mapping file. Use the destination-pass-through document attribute to pass job
characteristics. These are examples:
3. If you submit jobs using Download for z/OS, the pdxtdownload program
automatically sets the destination-pass-through attribute. See “What the
InfoPrint XT pdxtdownload program does” on page 67.
Parameter mapping file syntax rules
You can control how InfoPrint XT processes jobs that have specific characteristics
using a custom parameter mapping file. Create a file with the name
pdxtx2afp.map and then add entries that support the requirements of the
installation. After you complete the entries, store the file in the
%PDXTWORKDIR% directory. Table 4 shows the format of an entry in a mapping
Table 4. Format of the transform parameter mapping file
Mapping file lines Explanation
# text
Pass-through parameter and value to match
Conversion parameter to set
Additional conversion parameters, as required
Use one of these as the keyword: class, dest, forms, jobid, or jobname. You can
also use a special keyword and value pair, *=*, to apply parameters to every job.
*=* specifies that any keyword and value pair is a match; InfoPrint XT applies the
associated parameters to every job that it processes.
26 InfoPrint XT Guide