Table 3. DOS-to-UNIX directory conversions (continued)
Resulting directory
pdxtloadres -n "/directory/*" 1 /dev/fs/C/directory ²
pdxtloadres -n "/directory/*" 0 /directory
v ¹ InfoPrint XT always treats this as a DOS directory, regardless of the
PDXT_WINPATH2UNIX setting, because it contains backslashes.
v ² The conversion process derives the drive letter from the drive in use when you
entered the command.
1. The use of the PDXT_WINPATH2UNIX environment variable is intended for
advanced users, or as directed by a technical support representative.
2. The environment variable does not apply to the directory that the
PDXTWORKDIR environment variable specifies, or to the directory that the
PDXTINSTDIR environment variable specifies.
Controlling the default arguments when you load resources
You can change the default values that InfoPrint XT uses for the options of the
pdxtloadres command. You use this command to load Xerox resources; see “Using
the pdxtloadres command to load Xerox resources” on page 42. You can use the
PDXTLOADRES_ARGS environment variable to specify new default values for
the options. For example, you might want the default value for the -m option to be
A4 instead of letter.
These are examples of values that you can enter in the Variable value field of the
Windows System Properties interface:
v If the option that you want to specify does not have an associated value, use this
This causes InfoPrint XT to automatically add the -r option any time you enter
the pdxtloadres command.
v If the option or options that you want to specify have an associated value and
the value does not contain spaces, use this format:
-m A4 -s word
-n C:\xyz\*.fnt
v If the value contains a space, enclose the value in double quotation marks:
-n "C:\Resource Files\xyz\*.fnt"
Controlling the default arguments when you process jobs
You can change the default values that InfoPrint XT uses when you convert Xerox
jobs with the pdxtx2afp command. See “Using the pdxtx2afp command to process
Xerox jobs” on page 61. You can use the PDXTX2AFP_ARGS environment variable
to specify new default values. For example, you might want the default value of
the -x option to specify a certain JDL and JDE pair.
Chapter 3. Customizing InfoPrint XT 23