Table 5. InfoPrint XT NOP structured field format (continued)
Offset Length Value Description
1 2 8-32767 Total length of the structured field. This does not
include the carriage control byte.
3 3 X'D3EEEE' MO:DCA No Operation structured field identifier.
6 1 X'00' Flags. InfoPrint XT always uses X'00'.
7 2 X'0000' Reserved bytes. InfoPrint XT always uses X'0000'.
9 8 AIOX2AFP This parameter specifies that InfoPrint XT
generated the NOP structured field. InfoPrint XT
generates the parameter value in EBCDIC:
17 2 X'nnnn' The level of the InfoPrint XT Structured Field Data.
The current level is X'0000'.
19-n n variable This is the actual data for the structured field. Its
format depends on the level. See “InfoPrint XT
AIOX2AFP NOP level X'0000' format.”
InfoPrint XT AIOX2AFP NOP level X'0000' format
Table 6 shows the format of the InfoPrint XT AIOX2AFP level X'0000' NOP, which
consists of four parts.
Table 6. InfoPrint XT NOP level X'0000' format
Offset Length Description
19 8 An EBCDIC keyword that describes the InfoPrint XT
information. See “InfoPrint XT AIOX2AFP NOP keywords.”
27 1 The flag byte.
28 2 The length of any associated data.
30-n n The data itself, if any.
InfoPrint XT AIOX2AFP NOP keywords
InfoPrint XT uses these keywords in the NOP structured fields that it generates:
InfoPrint XT generates one CTLHEADR record at the beginning of each
job and uses it to identify whether the AFP data stream can contain
XRXOTEXT records. The values for its flag byte at offset 27 are:
Bit 0: Specifies whether the data stream can contain XRXOTEXT records.
1 indicates that the data stream can contain XRXOTEXT records. 0
indicates that the data stream does not contain XRXOTEXT records.
Bit 1: Specifies whether the data stream can contain XRXCDJDE records.
1 indicates that the data stream can contain XRXCDJDE records. 0
indicates that the data stream does not contain XRXCDJDE records.
Bit 2: Reserved for future use.
Bit 3: Reserved for future use.
Bit 4: Reserved for future use.
Bit 5: Reserved for future use.
Bit 6: Reserved for future use.
32 InfoPrint XT Guide