7. With the right side helper, press down on the tire near
the right side assist roller to hold the tire in the drop center.
(See Fig. 13.8)
8. Depress the table top pedal and rotate the tire until the
bead is mounted. The right side helper shoe will follow the
tire during rotation. (See Fig. 13.9 -13.12)
1. Lubricate the beads and rim liberally.
2. Position the demount head and bead lifting tool as
described earlier. Mount the bottom bead first.
3. Round out the tube with a small amount of air. Avoid
pinching or forcing the tube. Apply rubber lubricant to the
4. Insert the tube into the tire paying careful attention not to
pinch the tube.
5. Depress the table top pedal and rotate only a short
distance at a time. This allows you to stop the process
should you suspect the tube is getting pinched.
6. Mount the top bead.
Do not force the tire onto the rim. Bead
damage could result making the tire unsafe and/
or creating the risk of injury.
Fig. 13.8
Fig. 13.10
Fig. 13.11
Fig. 13.12
Fig. 13.9