15. Push the locking valve button to lock the slides into
place. As the slides are locked, the mount/demount head
will move upward approximately 1/8 inch and backward
1/8 inch from the rim edge. The mount/demount head roller
should not be in contact with the rim edge. (See Fig. 11.13)
16. Move the right hand top helper into position opposite the
mount/demount head positioning the edge of the helper just
outside the rim edge. (See Fig. 11.14 -11.15)
17. Press down on the right hand control valve.
(See Fig. 11.16)
18. Power the right top helper down to force the tire bead
into the drop the center of the wheel.(See Fig. 11.17 - 11.18)
19. Insert the smooth curved end of tool bar over the right
end knob of the mount/demount head and below the top
bead of the tire. (See Fig. 11.19 -11.20)
20. Push the tool bar down toward the wheel to lift the
tire bead up and over the right -side knob portion of the
demount head. Hold the tool bar in this position.
(See Fig. 11.21 - 11.22)
This clearance will be maintained as long as the
slide locking valve remains locked. The operator
may tilt the tower back out of the way and back into
place again without needing to reposition the head
when changing a like set of wheels. The tool
clearance may change with machine use and
should be inspected often. Failure to maintain
proper clearance may result in damage to the wheel
rim or tire.
Fig. 11.13
Fig. 11.14
Fig. 11.17
Fig. 11.18
Fig. 11.20
Fig. 11.19
Fig. 11.21
Fig. 11.16
Fig. 11.15