ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
48 www.polycom.com
Hi, my name is: Jw_System
Here is what I know about myself:
Serial Number: xxxxx
Brand: Polycom
Software Version: Release 5.0 FX - 14 Mar 2003
Model: VSFX4
Network Interface: PRI_E1
MP Enabled: Yes
H323 Enabled: Yes
IP Address:
Time In Last Call: 0:43:50
Total Time In Calls: 87:17:17
Total Calls: 819
Country Code: 1
Area Code: 512
PRI Number: 5555555
displaybolt {dd}
This command sets the frequency at which the lightning bolt packet
loss indicator is displayed. The lightning bolt is only a visual indicator
that informs you about WAN or LAN network problems. It does not
indicate performance problems with your system.
dd Decimal value between -10000 and 100. A positive
integer represents the percentage of lost packets. A
negative integer represents the number of lost packets.
displaybolt 5
The lightning bolt is displayed when 5 % of the packets is lost.
displaybolt -50
The lightning bolt is displayed after 50 packets are lost.