ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
22 www.polycom.com
allowmixedcalls yes
User Interface Screen Location
System Info>Admin Setup>Video Network > Call Preferences: Allow
H.320 and H.323 Mixed Calls
allowremotemon <get>
This command displays the current state of the Allow Remote
Monitoring option.
get Displays the current setting (yes or no).
allowremotemon get
User Interface Screen Location
System Info>User Setup: Allow Remote Monitoring
allowusersetup <yes|no|get>
This command enables or disables the User Setup icon on the
System Information screen of the user interface, thus allowing or
preventing access to the User Setup screen. This option is useful to
prevent users from changing the User Setup functions.
yes Enables the User Setup option.
no Disables the User Setup option.
get Displays the current setting (yes or no).