ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
190 www.polycom.com
prinumberingplan <isdn|unknown|get>
This command sets the PRI numbering plan.
isdn With isdn, the numbering plan is identified to the
upstream switch as ISDN, and the number type, which
is either national or international, is determined from the
dialed phone number. If the dialed phone number starts
with the international dialing prefix that is currently
selected, the type is set to the international and the
prefix is removed from the number before the number is
sent to the upstream switch. Otherwise, the number is
marked as national and passed to the upstream switch
without modification.
unknown The default selection is unknown. With this option, the
numbering plan and number type are sent to the
upstream as unknown, and the dialed phone number is
sent without notification. The default value, unknown, is
preferred and should work in most cases. Unknown
should work with all properly configured PBXs and with
most telephone company switches. One notable
exception in North America is an ATT 5ESS switch,
which is provisioned with Accunet, or an ATT 4ESS
switch. For these switches, set the numbering type to
get Displays the current setting.
prinumberingplan isdn
User Interface Screen Location
System Info>Admin Setup>Video Network>IMUX>PRI network>
PRI Setup>Advanced PRI Setup
This screen is only accessible if you have a PRI network interface
connected to your ViewStation FX or VS4000 system.