ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
178 www.polycom.com
isdnnum <set|get><1b1|1b2|2b1|2b2|3b1|
3b2|4b1|4b2> ["isdn number"]
isdnnum set <1b1|1b2|2b1|2b2|3b1|3b2|4b1|4b2>
["isdn number"]
isdnnum set <1b1|1b2|2b1|2b2|3b1|3b2|4b1|4b2>
isdnnum get <1b1|1b2|2b1|2b2|3b1|3b2|4b1|4b2>
This command sets the ISDN video number or numbers assigned to
the system.
set <1b1..4b2> Sets the ISDN video number for a B channel line
when followed by the isdn number parameter. If
you want to erase the current setting, omit isdn
get <1b1..4b2> Displays the current ISDN number associated with
a B channel of a particular line.
1b1..4b2 Range of configurable B channels. 1b1 designates
line 1, B channel 1 (B1). 1b2 designates line 1, B
channel 2 (B2).
isdn number Numeric string. This is the ISDN video number(s)
provided by your network service provider.
isdnnum set 1b1 5125551212
User Interface Screen Location
System Info>Admin Setup>Video Network>IMUX>Numbers
This screen is only accessible if you have a Quad BRI network
interface connected to your system.