M3500B HeartStart XLT Defibrillator/Monitor 7-1
7 Performing Synchronized Cardioversion
Synchronized cardioversion is a Manual Mode function that allows you to
synchronize the defibrillator shock with the R-wave of the ECG being moni-
During synchronized cardioversion, the ECG being monitored is shown on
the display and may be derived from:
the multifunction defib electrode pads, or
the 3- or 5-lead monitoring electrodes.
When selecting a lead, choose the best lead that displays a large QRS com-
plex. The synchronized shock is delivered through the mulifunction defib
electrode pads, regardless of the lead being monitored.
This chapter describes how to perform synchronized cardioversion with the
HeartStart XLT.
NOTE See Chapter 4, “Monitoring the ECG” for information on how to apply elec-
trodes and select a lead.