M3500B HeartStart XLT Defibrillator/Monitor 3-3
An overview of the AED Mode defibrillation process is shown in Figure 3-1.
The process begins only after you have:
assessed that the patient is unresponsive, not breathing, and pulseless,
prepared for defibrillation by attaching pads and inserting a Data
Card (if desired).
Then you are ready to turn the HeartStart XLT on. The defibrillation process
is dependent upon the configuration of your HeartStart XLT, as described in
the following paragraphs.
Defibrillation (with the default configuration)
In its default configuration, the defibrillation process is:
Press the On button.
The HeartStart XLT checks to see if the pads patient cable and multi-
function defib electrode pads are properly connected. If either con-
nection is compromised, you are prompted to fix the problem.
Analysis begins automatically - there is no need to press
Once analysis is complete, the HeartStart XLT tells you 6KRFN$GYLVHG
If a shock is advised, press .
After the first shock is delivered, the HeartStart XLT automatically
begins analyzing the ECG and the process repeats until a shock series
is complete or no shock is advised. At this point, you are prompted to
check the patient.