M3500B HeartStart XLT Defibrillator/Monitor 3-11
Delivery of the shock is confirmed by the message 6KRFN'HOLYHUHG and the
shock counter is updated.
Figure 3-9 Shock Delivered Display
Automatic Re-analysis On
If Automatic Re-analysis is on, the HeartStart XLT analyzes the ECG fol-
lowing delivery of the shock. You are prompted to press , if an addi-
tional shock is advised. This cycle repeats until the rhythm converts or a
shock series is complete. (A shock series may be configured to 2, 3, or 4
Automatic Re-analysis Off
If Automatic Re-analysis is off, the HeartStart XLT monitors the ECG for
potentially shockable rhythms (provided Rhythm Monitoring is on) and
prompts you to press if one is detected. You can initiate analysis,
without being prompted, by pressing .
Shocks: 1
Shock Delivered