Pausing for CPR
3-12 Defibrillating in AED Mode
Pausing for CPR
At the completion of a shock series or when no shock is advised, the Heart-
Start XLT prompts you to &KHFN3DWLHQW&KHFN3XOVH. It allows eight seconds for
you to check the pulse, then prompts you as follows:
Figure 3-10 Press Pause Display
If CPR is needed, press . While paused, the Pause Timer indicates the
elapsed time and the total duration of the Pause state, in seconds. The Pause
Timer is configurable to meet your local CPR protocol needs. Rhythm, SpO
and heart rate monitoring alarms are suspended for the duration of the pause.
NOTE * This section describes how the Pause state functions using the default con-
figuration. If your HeartStart XLT is configured to support the European
Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation, refer to the “ERC Proto-
col” section on page 3-16 for details.
Shocks: 1
If Needed
And Begin CPR