Loading and Restoring Software
5-156800-A2-GN22-30 January 1997
Enter the internet address of this interface:
Where: aaa is en0 on Altos 5000 platform enc00 on Altos 15000 platform
TYPE: internet address
in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
PRESS: Enter
The system prompts:
Enter the netmask for this interface (default:
Consult your System Administrator to determine whether to specify
a net mask, a broadcast address, or DOMAIN name different from
the default. Choose the default when using the basic network
configuration as described in the
Network Pre-Installation
PRESS: Enter
The system prompts:
Does the interface use a broadcast address of all 1’s? (y/n) (default:y):
PRESS: Enter
The system prompts:
Enter the broadcast address for this interface (default: nnn.nnn.255.255):
The displayed default shows the first two levels of the IP address
you have just entered. The default above for broadcast address
assumes the use of the basic network configuration parameters.
PRESS: Enter
The system asks for verification of the previously entered values:
Internet Address:
Broadcast Address:
20. If the values are not correct, respond n. The system again requests entry from the Internet
Address. If the values are correct,
PRESS: Enter
The system prompts: