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Cellpro 10s Charger
2 6-pin to 5-pin node connector adapters (to enable Cellpro packs equipped with 5-pin con-
nectors to be charged using the Cellpro 10s Charger)
Plug Blocker (to enable charging packs without connecting discharge wires)
Optional: FUIM2 PC connectivity set (required for using the Charge Control Software)
Charger and pack terminology
Mode button
Start/Stop button
Channel 1
node connector
Channel 2
node connector
Banana jacks for discharge wires when charging one pack, or
insert Plug Blocker when not charging through discharge wires
Banana jacks for discharge
wires when charging two
packs at the same time
To power
Connect FUIM2 here when
using Charge Control Software
Channel 1 Channel 2
Discharge wires:
Red = pack positive
Black = pack negative
Node connector
Pack wiring issues can cause nuisance safety codes. If any of the safety codes below appear, try
connecting the pack to the banana jacks and node connectors without using the plug blocker.
Safety code Problem
60-65 Positive switch close failure
66-71 Series switch close failure
72-77 Negative switch close failure
78 Greater than 42V detected
79-80 Cell count out of range (internal software check)
81-86 Charge switch close failure
87 Voltage steady timeout
88 Check Pack 1 voltage out of range
89 Check Pack 2 voltage out of range
90-92 Internal software check
93 Calibration checksum error. Charger must be returned to factory for calibration.
For battery type Lithium Polymer, Lithium Ion, Lithium Manganese and A123 packs;
charger can be used with 1s to 10s packs having node connectors and
connected to charger with an appropriate FMA adapter cable
Pack capacity 100mAh to 65Ah (charge time limited to maximum of 12 hours)
Input voltage 10 to 16VDC, reverse polarity protected
Input current Up to 25A; can be limited to 1A to 25A in 0.25A increments
Power conversion 62.5kHz switcher operating at 90% efciency
Nominal output voltage 3.60, 4.10 and 4.20 volts per cell; 42V maximum
Output current Up to 3A, reverse polarity protected
Cell balancing To within 1mV with 0.1mV resolution
Voltage calibration Cell voltage measurements are factory calibrated to 1ppm (50μV)
traceable to NIST
Internal switches Four internal FET switches series-connect packs to enable charge
through node connectors only; switches close only after proper pack
connection is veried; maximum switch current limited to 4A
Plug blocker Prevents reverse polarity connection to banana jacks after internal
switches are closed; charger looks for 4.7kohm resistor when using
internal switches
Current calibration Charge current is factory calibrated on a 4A standard; calibration is to
Measurement accuracy Absolute voltage accuracy: ±2mV from 0 to 50V
Charge current: ±1%
Capacity added to pack: ±1%
Percent capacity (“Fuel”): ±5%
Internal resistance 0.1mV voltage resolution allows accurate four point internal resistance
measurement of each cell
Serial data output 19.2kbps, 8 bits, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, no parity; CRC16 checksum
Firmware updates Encrypted at factory, decrypted in charger