Chapter 2 Configuration and Installation
National Instruments Corporation 2-35 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
Any data acquisition sequence can be initiated by an external trigger
applied to the EXTTRIG* pin. Applying a falling edge to the
EXTTRIG* pin starts the sample and sample-interval counters, thereby
initiating a data acquisition sequence. Figure 2-15 shows the timing
requirements for the EXTTRIG* signal.
Figure 2-15.
EXTTRIG* Signal Timing
The EXTTRIG* pin is also used to initiate AT-MIO-16X pretriggered
data acquisition operations. In pretriggered mode, data is acquired after
the first falling edge trigger is received, but no sample counting occurs
until after a second falling edge trigger is applied to the EXTTRIG* pin.
The acquisition then completes when the sample counter decrements to
zero. This mode acquires data both before and after a hardware trigger
is received.
The minimum pulse width allowed is 50 ns. The first A/D conversion
starts within one sample interval from the high-to-low edge. The
sample interval is controlled by Counter 3 or EXTCONV*. There is no
maximum pulse width limitation; however, EXTTRIG* should be high
for at least 50 ns before going low. The EXTTRIG* signal is one HCT
load and is pulled up to +5 V through a 10-kΩ resistor.
The EXTTRIG* signal is logically ANDed with the internal
DAQSTART signal. If a data acquisition sequence is to be initiated with
an internal trigger, EXTTRIG* must be high at both the I/O connector
and the RTSI switch. If EXTTRIG* is low, the sequence will not be
triggered. In addition, triggers from the EXTTRIG* signal can be
inhibited through programming of a register in the AT-MIO-16X
register set.
50 nsec minimum
First A/D conversion starts within 1 sample interval from this point