Appendix A Specifications
AT-MIO-16X User Manual A-2
National Instruments Corporation
Input impedance................................. 100 GΩ in parallel with 100 pF
Gains.................................................. 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100,
Pregain offset error
After calibration .......................... ±3 µV maximum
Before calibration........................ ±2.2 mV maximum
Temperature coefficient............... ±5 µV/° C
Postgain offset error
After calibration .......................... ±381 µV maximum
Before calibration........................ ±102 mV maximum
Temperature coefficient............... ±120 µV/° C
Gain error (relative to reference)
After calibration .......................... ±0.00366% (36.6 ppm)
Before calibration (any gain) ....... ±0.215% (2,150 ppm) maximum
Gain ≠ 1....................................... ±0.02% (200 ppm) maximum,
with gain error adjusted to 0 at
gain = 1
Temperature coefficient
(any gain) .................................... ±8 ppm/° C
System noise (including quantization noise)
Bipolar (±10 V range) ................. 0.6 LSB rms for gain 1 to 10
0.7 LSB rms for gain 20
1.1 LSB rms for gain 50
2.0 LSB rms for gain 100
Unipolar (0 to 10 V range)........... 0.8 LSB rms for gains 1 to 10
1.1 LSB rms for gain 20
2.0 LSB rms for gain 50
3.8 LSB rms for gain 100
Crosstalk (other than from settling).... –70 dB (DC to 100 kHz)
Onboard reference.............................. 5.000 V (±2 mV)
Temperature coefficient............... 2 ppm/° C maximum
(10 µV/ ° C maximum)