Chapter 4 Register Map and Descriptions
AT-MIO-16X User Manual 4-36
National Instruments Corporation
12 CHAN_BIP Channel Bipolar—This bit configures
the ADC for unipolar or bipolar mode.
When CHAN_BIP is clear, the ADC is
configured for unipolar operation and
values read from the ADC FIFO are in
straight binary format. When
CHAN_BIP is set, the ADC is configured
for bipolar operation and values. The
FIFO values are two’s complement and
automatically sign extended.
11-10 0 Reserved—These bits must always be set
to zero.
9-6 CHANSEL<3..0>
Input Channel Select—These four bits
control the input multiplexer address
setting for selecting the analog input
channel routed to the ADC. In
single-ended mode, only one analog
input channel is selected. In differential
mode, two analog input channels are
selected. The following table shows the
mapping of analog input channels in the
different input configurations.
Selected Analog Input Channels
Single-Ended Differential
(+) (–)
0000 0 0 and 8
0001 1 1 and 9
0010 2 2 and 10
0011 3 3 and 11
0100 4 4 and 12
0101 5 5 and 13
0110 6 6 and 14