National Instruments Corporation xv AT-MIO-16X User Manual
This manual describes the mechanical and electrical aspects of the
AT-MIO-16X board and contains information concerning its operation
and programming. The AT-MIO-16X is a high-performance,
multifunction analog, digital, and timing I/O board for the IBM PC AT
and compatibles and EISA personal computers (PCs).
Organization of This Manual
The AT-MIO-16X User Manual is organized as follows:
• Chapter 1, Introduction, describes the AT-MIO-16X, lists the
contents of your AT-MIO-16X kit, the optional software, and
optional equipment, and explains how to unpack the AT-MIO-16X.
• Chapter 2, Configuration and Installation, explains board
configuration, installation of the AT-MIO-16X into the PC, signal
connections to the AT-MIO-16X, and cable considerations.
• Chapter 3, Theory of Operation, contains a functional overview of
the AT-MIO-16X and explains the operation of each functional unit
making up the AT-MIO-16X.
• Chapter 4, Register Map and Descriptions, describes in detail the
address and function of each of the AT-MIO-16X control and status
• Chapter 5, Programming, contains programming instructions for
operating the circuitry on the AT-MIO-16X.
• Chapter 6, Calibration Procedures, discusses the calibration
resources and procedures for the AT-MIO-16X analog input and
analog output circuitry.
• Appendix A, Specifications, lists the specifications of the
• Appendix B, I/O Connector, describes the pinout and signal names
for the AT-MIO-16X 50-pin I/O connector and the 68-pin I/O