Messages in display 238, 276
Viscosity 342
Engine oil level see Oil level 235
ESP 23, 75, 342
Messages in display 266
Switching off 76
Switching on 77
Synchronizing 266
Warning lamp 261
ETD 342
Safety guidelines 60
ETD (Emergency tensioning device) 64
Ethanol fuel
At the gas station 233
Switching fuels 334
Exterior lamp switch 98
Exterior lamps
Delayed shut-off 127
Exterior rear view mirror
Activating parking position 147
Exterior rear view mirrors
Adjusting 40
Parking position for 132
Setting temperature units 123
Fastening the seat belts 41
Fine adjustment
Cruise control 196
First aid kit 284
Flat tire 301
Inflating the spare tire 304
Lowering the vehicle 306
Mounting the spare wheel 301
Preparing the vehicle 301
Spare wheel 285
Flexible fuel vehicles 334
At the gas station 233
Switching fuels 334
Flexible Service System (FSS) 249, 342
Fog lamp, front 101
Fog lamp, rear 101, 294
Fog lamps
Replacing bulbs 293
Fog lamps, front
Messages in display 278
Replacing bulbs 294
Front airbags 61
Front fog lamp
Switching on 101
Front lamps
Bi-Xenon type 296
Halogen-type 295
Messages in display 277, 279
Replacing bulbs 293, 295
Switching on 98
Front seat backrest
Folding backrest back 37
Folding backrest forward 36