
Technical terms
Power train
Collective term designating all compo-
nents used to generate and transmit
motive power to the drive axles, includ-
ț engine
ț clutch/torque converter
ț transmission
ț transfer case
ț drive shaft
ț differential
ț axle shafts/axles
Poly-V-belt drive
Drives engine-components (alternator,
AC compressor, etc.) from the engine.
Program mode selector switch
Used to switch the automatic transmis-
sion between standard operation S and
winter operation C.
Remote Vehicle Diagnostics
Transmission of vehicle data and cur-
rent location to the Mercedes-Benz
Customer Assistance Center for sub-
scribers to Tele Aid service.
Restraint systems
Seat belts, belt tensioners, airbags and
child restraint systems. As indepen-
dant systems, their protective func-
tions complement one another.
esearch Octane Number)
The Research Octane Number for gaso-
line as determined by a standardized
method. It is an indication of a gaso-
line's ability to resist undesired detona-
tion (knocking). The average of both
the ->MON (Motor Octane Number)
and RON (Research Octane Number) is
posted at the pump, also known as AN-
Shift lock
When the vehicle is parked, this lock
prevents the gear selector lever from
being moved out of position P without
SmartKey turned and brake pedal de-