Winter driving
̄ Winter driving
Before the onset of winter, have your vehi-
cle winterized at an authorized
Mercedes-Benz Center. This service in-
ț Check of anticorrosion and antifreeze
ț Addition of cleaning concentrate to the
water of the windshield and headlamp
cleaning system. Add MB Concentrate
“S” to a premixed windshield washer
solvent/antifreeze which is formulated
for temperatures below freezing point
୴ page 338).
ț Battery test. Battery capacity drops
with decreasing ambient temperature.
A well charged battery helps to ensure
that the engine can be started, even at
low ambient temperatures.
ț Tire change. Mercedes-Benz recom-
mends M+S rated radial-ply tires with a
minimum tread depth of approximately
in (4 mm) on all four wheels for the
winter season.
Winter tires
Always use winter tires at temperatures
below 45°F (7°C) and whenever wintry
road conditions prevail. Use of winter tires
is the only way to achieve the maximum ef-
fectiveness of the ABS and ESP in winter
For safe handling, ensure that all mounted
winter tires are of the same make and have
the same tread design.
Always observe the speed rating of the
winter tires installed on your vehicle. If the
maximum speed for which your tires are
rated is below the speed rating of your ve-
hicle, you must place a notice to this effect
where it will be seen by the driver. Such no-
tices are available at your tire dealer or any
authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.
Warning! G
Winter tires with a tread depth under
(4 mm) must be replaced. They are no long-
er suitable for winter operation.