
Whenchippingthe DVDvideoplayer,the originalshipping
cartonand packing materials comein handy.For maximum
protection,repackthe unitas itwas odginallypackedat the
Do notuse volatileliquids,suchas insectspray,nearthe
DVD videoplayer.Do not leaverubberor plasticproductsin
contact withthe DVD videoplayer fura longtime.Theywill
leavemarksonthe cabinet
The topand rearpanels ofthe DVDvideo playermay
becomewarm aftera longpedodof use.Thisisnota
Whenthe DVDvideo player is notin use, be sureto remove
the discand turnoffthe power.
Ifyoudo notusathe DVD videoplayerfur a longtime,the
unitmay notfunctionproperlyinthe future.Usethe DVD
When youplacethis DVDvideo player near a TV,radio,or
VCR, the playbackpicturemaybecomepoorandthe sound
maybe distorted.Inthis case,placethe DVDvideoplayer
swayfromthe TV, radio,orVCR.
Use a soft, dry cloth for cleaning.
For stubborn dirt, soak the cloth in a weak detergent solution,
wring the cloth wall, and wipe the unit. Usa a dry cloth to
wipe it dry.
Do not use any type of solvent, such as thinner and benzine,
as they may damage the surface of the DVD video player.
Ifyou use a chemical saturated cloth to clean the unit, follow
that product's instructions.
Moisture condensation damages the DVD video
player. Please read the following carefully.
Moisturecondensationoccurs,fur example,whenyoupoura
coil drinkintoa glasson a warmday.Dropsof waterformon
the outsideof the glass.In the sameway,moisturemay
condenseon the opticalpick-uplensinsidethis unit,one of the
mostcrucialinternalpartsof the DVDvideoplayer.
Moisture condensation occurs during the following
Whenyoubringthe DVD videoplayerdirectlyfroma cold
placeto a warmplace.
Whenyouusa the DVDvideoplayerina roomwhere youjust
tumed onthe heater,ora placewherethe coldwindfromthe
airconditioner directlyhitsthe unit.
In summer,whenyou use theDVDvideo playerin a hotand
humidplacejustafteryoumovethe unitfroman air
conditioned room.
When you usethe DVDvideo playerina humidplace.
o 0 o
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The DVD video player is a high technology, precision device, ff
the optical pick-up lens and disc drive parts are dirty or worn
down, the picture quality beoomes poor.To obtain a dear
picture, we recommend regular inspection and maintenance
(cleaning or parts replacement) every 1,000 hours of use
depending on the operating environment. For details, contact
your nearest dealer.
Do not use the DVD video player when moisture
condensation may occur.
If you usethe DVDvideoplayerin sucha situation,itmay
damagediscs and internal parts. Removethe disc,connect
the powercord of the DVD video playerto the wall outlet,turn
onthe DVDvideoplayer,andleaveit fur twoor threehours.
Aftertwo orthree hours,the DVD videoplayerwill have
warmedupand evaporatedany moisture.Keepthe DVD
video playerconnectedto the wall outletandmoisture
condensation willseldomoccur.