Selecting the Camera Angle 1,2
_p _ CLEAR
Youcan watch scenes from up to nine differmlrtcamera angles (mutiiFle angle). L_
Ifthe scenewas recordedfrommultipleangles,youcan easilychangethecamera angleof the sceneyouare watching.
Press ANGLE while playing a scene
recorded from multiple angles.
Pressthe ANGLE buttonwhiletheangle icon
inthe DVD displayisflashing.
/_eLE II
Press ANGLE or ,_, while the angle
number appears on the TV screen.
To check if the scene is recorded from multiple
angles or not
On ssme DVDvideo disss,onlysomescenesof thetitlemay
be recordedfrommultiple angles.Youcan checkwhich
scenesare recordedfrommultipleanglesby thestatusof
the angleiconinthe DVD display.
When Flaying a title that contains at least one scene
recorded from multiple angles, the DVD displayappears
as follows.
I .....° I
Eachtime youpressthe ANGLEor
button, camera anglechanges.
:" .-i : L='_J _J
_r : Cycles backward
You can change the camera angle directly by
pressing the number buttons for the angle
When playing a scene recordedfrom multiple angles,
the DVDdisplayappearsasfollows.
To turn off the angle number indication
Press CLEAR.
• Youcanchangethe cameraangleonlyon sconesrecordedfrommultipleangles.
• Youcanchange_e cameraangleduringstillplayback.Thecameraanglechangesto _e new settingwhenyouresumenormalplayback.
• Ifthe currenttitlehas scenes recordedfrommultipleangles,youcan changethe camera anglewhileplayback isstopped.
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