
Playback )
Playing a Disc (continued)
You can play dlsQsat various speeds, and resume playback from the
_ _ _ ::_ _ REV
Youcan playa discat twiceoreight_rnes thenormaJspeed.
Press REV or FWD during playback.
The playbackspeedistwicethenormal
Pressingthe REV or FWD buttonagain
changesthe playbackspeedto eighttimes
the normalspeed.
REV: Fast reverseplayback
FWD: Fastforward playback
Eachtime youpressthe REV or FWD
button,the playback speedaltemates
betweentwicethe normalspeedand eight
times the normalspeed.
Twk:ethe Eightt_es the
normalspeed normalspeed
Youcan advancea DVDvideodiscpictureframebyframe.
Pre_ PAUSE/STEP during l_ill
Eachtime youpressthe PAUSE/STEP
button,the pictureadvancesoneframe.
To resume normal playback
PLAY ....
[_ Press PLAY.
To resume normal playback
Press PLAY.
The DVD video player does not play sound and _ of a DVD
vicleodisc dudng playback that is twice or eight times the normal
playback speed (forward or reverse).
H¢_=ver, the DVD video player plays sound during fast forward or fast
reverse playback of audio CDs.
Twice or eight times the normal playback speeds are only approximate
speeds. These speeds may vary slightly from disc to disc.
The sound Jsmuteddudngtrameby frarnop_aybad,:.