Do not place this product on an
unstable cart, stand, tripod,
bracket, or table. The product
may fall, causing seflous injury
to a child or adult, and serious
damage to the product. Use only
withacart, stand,tripod, bracket,
or table recommended by the '-"
manufacturer, or sold with the product. Any mounting of
the productshouldfollowthe manufacturer's instructions,
and should use a mounting accessory recommended by
the manufacturer.
A product and cart combination should be moved with
care. Quick stops, excessive force, and uneven surfaces
may cause the product and cart combinationto overturn.
14. DiscTray
Keepyourfingersclearof thedisc
tray as it is closing.It may cause
sedous personalinjury.
Donotplacea heavy objectonthe ,_t.__product or step on it. The object
may fall, causingseriouspersonal _
injury and serious damage to the
When you connect the productto
other equipment, turn off the
powerand unplugallof theequip-
ment fromthe wall outlet. Failure
to do so may cause an electric
shock and serious personal in-
jury. Read the owner's manual
forthe other equipment carefully
and follow the instructionswhen
making any connections.
17. SoundVolume
Reduce the volume to the mini-
mumlevel before you turnon the
product.Otherwise, sudden high
volume may cause hearing or
18.Sound Distortion
Do notallowthe productto output
distortedsoundfor a longtime. It
may cause speaker overheating
and fire.
19. Headphones
When you use the headphones, _''_//,r"keep the volume at a moderate
level. If you use the headphones _)
continuouslyat a with high vol-
ume, it may cause hearing dam-
20. Laser Beam
DonotIookintothe openingofthe __ _ ._______
disc tray or into the ventilation
openingsto see the soumeof the ,4_'__
laser beam, it may cause eye
21. Dis(=
Donctuasacracked,deformed, _
or repaired disc. These dmcs ,_,p_:,,
are easilybroken and may _";(.,_/f_ _L_
cause sedous personal injury \_J(( _)i" _;>_
and productmalfunction. _" ":_))
22. Damage RequiringService
Unplugthisproductfromthe walloutletandreferservicingto
qualifiedservicepersonnelunderthe following conditions:
a) Whenthe power-supplycord orplugis damaged.
b) If liquidhas been spilled,orobjects have fallenIntothe
c) Iftheproducthas beenexposedto rainor water.
d) Iftheproductdoes notoperatenormallyby followingthe
operatinginstructions.Adjustonlythose controlsthatare
covered by the operatinginstructionsas an improper
adjustmentofothercontrols mayresultindamageandwill
often requireextensiveworkby a qualifiedtechnicianto
restorethe producttoitsnormaloperation.
e) If theproducthas beendroppedor damagedin any way.
f ) Wbentheproductexhibitsadistinctchangeinperformance
- thisindicatesa need forservice.
23. Servicing
Do not attempt to service this
product yourselfas openingor re-
movingcoversmay exposeyouto
dangerous voltage or other haz-
ards. Referallservicingtoqualified
24. ReplacementParts
When replacementparts are required,be surethe service
technician has used replacement parts specified by the
manufacturer orhave the samecharacteristicsas the origi-
nalpart. Unauthorizedsubstitutionsmay resultinfire°electric
shock, or other hazards.
25. Safety Check
Uponcompletion of anyserviceor
repairsto this product,askthe ser-
vice technicianto performsafety \ _ i
checksto determinethat the prod-
uct isinproperoperatingcondition.