ZT 7102 Chassis Management Module
Active vs. Offline Slots
Technical Product Specification 87
15.0 Active vs. Offline Slots
A slot operating normally is in what is defined as an active mode. The CMM has the capability to
place a slot in an offline mode. In an offline mode the CMM ignores the HEALTHY # signal from
the board in terms of power sequencing, and also does not send any health events that occur on the
board. Placing a slot into offline mode allows for troubleshooting and debugging an unhealthy
If the board has an IPMI controller on it that is powered by IPMB power (standby), the CMM can
access the IPMI controller and hardware monitors connected to it even if the board itself has
powered down. A slot in which a board goes unhealthy can be placed into the offline mode so that
the CMM can get information from the IPMI controller and hardware monitors on the board which
can be used to diagnose problems with the board.
15.1 Determining the State of a Slot
Slots are set by default to the active mode, which allows for normal CompactPCI operation. A
cmmget of the powerstate of a slot can be used to determine if a slot has been placed into an offline
mode. See Section 12.3, “Obtaining the Power State of a Board” on page 78 for more information
on obtaining the powerstate of a slot.
15.2 Setting a Slot to Offline Mode
The following command will place a slot in offline mode:
cmmset -l bladeN -d powerstate -v offline
N is the number of the slot to be placed in an offline mode.
15.3 Setting a Slot to Active Mode
The following command will place a slot into the active mode for normal operation:
cmmset -l bladeN -d powerstate -v activate
N is the number of the slow to be placed into the active mode.
15.4 Limitations of the Offline Mode
The CMM does not deassert BD_SEL# and power to an offline slot. Thus, when presence for an
offline slot is queried, it will return as present even with the board extracted from the slot.
Also, because the CMM does not recognize board extractions/insertions in an offline slot due to
BD_SEL# remaining asserted, the slot should be placed into active mode before a new board is
inserted into a slot in the offline mode. If this is not done, the CMM retains all of the information of
the board that was in the slot when it was placed in the offline mode.